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My name is Suzanne Flanders.


I am the Creator of Sharing Your Soul Creativity Love.


I am PASSIONATE about bringing women together, meeting new friends and enjoying the ambiance of a Women’s Day or Evening connecting with themselves and others.


I would have never imagined when I started out on my craft journey which I have always loved, how many lives I would change.


Initially I chose a date, I booked it in the calendar and said… ooo I’m not ready yet, then another date and then… I launched on Friday 25th September 2020


I started my journey on my very first Women’s Creative Workshop with an art theme.

Since then, my creations have grown bigger and bigger with a variety of unique themes.

I say to myself I have a big responsibility to deliver to my beautiful ladies who look up to me for their excitement and their WHY,  to give permission to themselves to have some “MY TIME“


So, my PASSION is to deliver the highest quality project, so unique, so I keep the Magic alive.

Would love to meet you and show you the magic of what creativity can bring to your life 

and -for many ladies- how it can change their lives.


You will FEEL the most Special Woman in the World for 3 Hours and beyond.



Suzanne Flanders

M: 0438 177 833



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© 2022 WE Inspire  |  website by Social Bay Creative


WE Inspire, Women Entrepreneurs of Perth Inc is a Not For Profit organisation

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